Friday, May 13, 2011

Our Normal Crazy Life

Here at the Hurst household we are up to our normal chaos.  Things like forgetting to pop the lid when reheating last nights dinner and making the bowl go into a funky shape.
Giving babies messy food and changing their cloths multiple times a day. At least it was a healthy green smoothie. 
And adding something else to our calendar every time we turn around. (Please tell me I am not the only one whose May calendar looks like this)
I am ready for the summer....


Bonnie said...

Yes, I'm really looking forward to summer this year, too!

Britt said...

My whole summer is starting to look like that! Only summer is usually more fun activities. May is a whole bunch of last minute school stuff and dr apt.

Natalie said...

Boy isn't that how things go... crazy is normal! :)